Monday, June 30, 2014

So Much New

Throughout our lives, there will always be change.  Our family has gone through our share of changes this past year. Sometimes it takes my breath away with all the a whirlwind!

In September, my mother moved from her home in California, to live in the house next door to ours. It was somewhat traumatic as she sold my childhood home but it has been a wonderful experience having mom right next door.  She has never really gotten to spend much time with my children and now they are there all the time.  It is a very special time for our family.  We  knew the day would come when her eyesight would be so frail that she wouldn’t be able to do the things that most of us take for granted and that gives us an opportunity to serve her.

Another big change is that I have entered the work force.  I am now a licensed RN and practice at a local hospital. It is very bitter-sweet.  I will always be a Titus 2 woman.  I love being at home!  My schedule allows me to work 3 night shifts a week and be home the rest of the time.  Because of this change, we are doing some non-traditional home schooling (is that an oxymoron?).  The children are taking several classes each through and their remaining schoolwork, my DH and I are sharing the teaching responsibilities.  It is quite a change for all of us.  The children are doing well with the added responsibilities.  I am the one that is having just a hard time with my ‘babies growing up’.  I believe that my DH is very wise in creating a ‘distraction’ of sorts for me as we empty nest.

Lastly, for this post, but certainly not least is my newest pet additions.

Our chickens have their own oasis!  We ordered fifteen rare breed hens from in February and this is their home.  We gave a few away to friends and have 11 left.  Unfortunately, or maybe fortunate, one of our hens was a rooster.

Meet Zabra - a Silver Laced Polish Rooster...isn't he BEAUTIFUL!

Now meet the hens

These are the ones I call my 'old biddies'.  They are hens that give me eggs and we have had for a bit.  They are mostly rescued or hand me downs.  From left to right Blackie, an olive egg-er, she lays an army green colored egg, Autumn is a Rhode Island Red, Bambi is an Americana and lays a turquoise colored egg but not every day, and lastly Mrs. Feathered is a Production Red, laying a brown egg every day.

Next for the new hens, who have not started laying yet.  These are all 'rare breeds' It was so much fun deciding what breed of chickens we had as we had ordered an assortment of day old babies. You don't get to pick which breeds they send you...its just the 'leftovers'.. 

This is Buttercup-She is a Cecilian Buttercup

This is Queenie, a White Crested Blue Polish and behind her is Mars who is a Buff Brahma

The dark brown one is Brownie, a Partridge Cochin.  The white/grey one in front is Rainy.  She is a Blue Orpington.  The tan colored one is Peaches.  She is a Buff Polish and the one behind everyone is Fluffy.  She is a White Cochin.

I don't know what it is about chickens but I can sit on the stump in their coop and talk to them and all my cares go away.  It's like a little piece of tranquility!

I so enjoy my chickens, can you tell.  I believe it is one more blessing that God has given me to take care of myself during this time of transition..

May God provide you with blessings that assist you through the changes in your life.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights...
James 1:17 NKJV

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