Last week, several families in our homeschool group took a field trip to
Hackberry Flat Wildlife Management Area near Frederick, Oklahoma.
It was an amazing experience for all of our children.
We did find many, in lots of different sizes.
This is a Cricket Frog tadpole that eldest son pulled up in his net.
The lady leading the children was a biologist and identified everything we pulled out. It was so wonderful to have someone so knowledgeable and enthusiastic to guide our children.
We brought our specimens that we had collected back to the classroom and discovered that we had many more things than we thought.
This is a dragonfly larvae.
Can you see that baby crayfish?
Also notice that we poured them in a sink with no drain pipes. She explained that she would just put a bucket under the sink and then take its contents back to the flat when we were finished.
We also discovered micro invertebrates that she captured in a dropper and placed on slides that she showed on the wall. It was amazing. We saw Spider mites, Midge larvae and coco pods. I didn't get any pictures of these, they were a bit small. Another interesting creature was called a water boatmen. It was small and cute, had 2 legs just like the paddles of a boat, thus the name.
This is a photograph of a yummy activity that they did with the children. It taught the children the layers of the wetland. Here are the ingredients:
Place 1 piece of BEDROCK (vanilla wafer) in the bottom of a clear plastic cup
Add 2 spoonfuls of SUBSOIL (chocolate puffed rice cereal) on top of bedrock
Add 1 spoonful of WETLAND MUCK (chocolate pudding)
Add 1 spoonful of WATER (whipped topping colored blue)
Add 3 CATTAILS (stick pretzels)
Add 2 shakes DUCKWEED (green sprinkles)
Add 1 animal (gummy frog, fish or bug)
Now eat. YUMMY!
It was a beautiful day to explore God's creation. Isn't it amazing that the more you look at it, the more you believe in Him!
Here are a couple verses that have crossed my mind, recently.
Genesis 1:20-21 The God said, "Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens." So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters bounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
And God (who is the author of order) likes order:
II Corinthians 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order.
May you see the power of God in nature today. It is such a beautiful day.
Blessings, Suzie